An earthquake in Haiti on January 12 left unknown numbers dead and wounded, leveled buildings, destroyed infrastructure and devastated a country. Two weeks after the quake, the numbers have mounted. The numbers tell stories of death and destruction, as well as a global outpouring of aid. The Canadian death toll in Haiti has reached 21and another 147 people are still unaccounted for. Currently there are 1,400 members of the Canadian Forces in Haiti helping with the recovery.
On Monday, February 1st, 2010 from 3:00PM to 6:00PM EST,
a March for Hope will start at City Hall, 100 Queen St. W.
will end at Queens Park (University Avenue at College Street).
At 4:53PM, a moment of silence will be held in remembrance of over 200,000 victims
who lost their lives in the devastating quake.
The March for Hope will end with a vigil in front of Queens Park.
Key note speakers include
Haitian Honorary Consul. Dr. Eric Pierre
President of the Ontario Black History Society Dr. Rosemary Sadlier.
The intention of the march is to raise awareness on three important legislative points with the hope that the Federal Government will comply and swiftly expedite help to the current plight in Haiti.
This event is inspired by the precedent set forth in section s 37 of the Immigration Act 1976.
1) Broaden the ordinary definition of family under this class to include:
spouse, child (irrespective of age or marital status), parent, grandparent, grandchild (irrespective of age or marital status), sibling (irrespective of age or marital status) niece/nephew, (irrespective of age or marital status), aunt/uncle (irrespective of age or marital status). The definition also includes step and in-law relationships.
2) To permit Haitian refugees currently living in Canada
with no actual status the right to bring a family member while their status is being revised.
3) Start an airlift evacuation of all critically injured Haitians in need of critical care.
Presented By
Coalition of Community Organization of Ontario
Coalition Spoke Person : KARINE MORIN
Coalition member organizations :
Le Centre d’Établissement des Nouveaux Immigrants de Peel (CENIP)
Le Centre Canadien pour l’Unité de la Famille (CCF)
L’Auberge Francophone
Pierspective Entraide Humanitaire
Unleashed Legacies