You are Cordially Invited to attend
1st Fridays
***16th Anniversary***Celebration
Friday June 4th, 2010 @
Kultura Restaurant
169 King St. E. (east of Jarvis), Toronto, ON
Dinner from 7pm - 10pm (Seating 7pm-8pn - Reservations Required*)
Followed by Presentations and the After-party - from 10:00pm until...
Caribana 2010
Margarett Best, MPP - Ontario Minister of Health Promotion
Garnett Manning - Brampton Mayoral Candidate
the afterparty and more...with music supplied by...
The Mailman George Fynn
Admission is $15 with Dinner Reservations*, $20 without
To make dinner reservations or purchase advanced tickets - goto:
Visit: http://www.firstfridays.ca for more info
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