FREAK NASTY is the brainchild of New York’s Ainsley Burrows; a self-published poet, spoken word artist and musician. From the love Toronto poetry fans show Ainsley, you could say this city is his second home. He has been the feature act in Dwayne Morgan’s “When Brothers Speak” for the past – years. Performing to sell out crowds, he leaves Toronto panting for more every single time. Freak Nasty has been mesmerizing NYC crowds for five years to standing room only audiences. It’s sold out in Sacramento, Baltimore and Pittsburgh. It’s time for Toronto to get its Freak Nasty fix on!
“The reason I created this show was because I felt people needed a safe place to express sexuality and love,” says Burrows. “We live in a society where everything about sex is taboo, but why should it be? It’s the most natural thing.”
The show features six poets, four from the U.S.; Ainsley Burrows, Sabrina Gilbert, Se’lah, Soulful Jones and two from Canada; Jemeni and Devon “The Split” Jones. The show is also highlighted with sexy musical performances, and a fashion show you won’t soon forget. It’s one stage of total erotic mayhem. For a taste of what’s to come watch the Freak Nasty Promo on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csesIf_ZeVg
Location: Brix Napa Valley Grille, 230 Commerce valley Drive East Unit #1,Thornhill, ON
7pm Doors
$20 Advance
$25 Door
Email money transfer to info@k6e.ca
All Broadway Fashion stores (STC, Sq 1, and Morningside & 401)
Play De Record (Yonge and College)
2 Lined Music Hut
$25 3 course meal (taxes and gratuities not included)
For general info: call 416-918-9045 or email info@k6e.ca
Go to http://www.burrowsink.com for more info.
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