Thanks to everyone who just destroyed the Rivoli at the last Bump N’ Hustle on April 9th! The vibe and crowd were amazing and we're working up a major spike lately...line up to the Le Chateau most of the night so don't miss out!!!
Toronto's classic, rollin out magic for over 15 years!
with DJs
Paul E. Lopes and Mike Tull
Host: Carlos (Hot Stepper Productions)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
At the Rivoli (UPSTAIRS!): 334 Queen Street West,Toronto, ON
doors open at 10:00
Hey check this out ===>
We'll be drawing for run boxes complements of Appleton Estate Run
Only $10…for the $5 earlybird B 4 11:00 guest list for you and your group email: guestlist@hotstepper.com
Unlimited capacity for love but limited capacity in the club!
Please arrive early to avoid disappointment doors.
We had a line most of the night last month and want to make sure our event list fam get in…
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