Bajan and West Indian Massive!!,
You're invited to the BAC Independence Celebration @ 14 Highgate Drive, Markham on Friday Nov 25th.
ONLY $25 ($30 @ the door)
Bring out ya BLUE GOLD BLACK and say...
Celebrating 45 years of Barbados Independence with a star studded lineup straight from Barbados
- Mr. Dale (de Soca Junkie always keeping it Real)
- RPB (de man that got stand C lock down at the National Stadium)
- Structure (de Trenton Monster)
Congratulations to Alvin Griffith and Patricia Elcock, the lucky ticket winners to the BAC Independence Celebration via Kaiso Rising with Alex Waithe on CHRY 105.5FM.
ONLY $25 ($30 @ the door)
Along with the BAC celebration, there will be other Barbadian events throughout the month of November. (see the calendar at the bottom of this email).
Please come out and support...
Come Out and show some Structure!
Party Til um dun! Celebrate 45 years Bim get way from Mr. Harding!
A Bajan Invasion will be occurring here in the T.O. that will make you say WOW!
de Raga-Raga Man
RPB aka Red Plastic Bag aka Bag
de Original Soca Junkie
Mr. Dale
de Trenton Monster
backed by the smooth sounds of
Neu Jenarashun
DJ NiteRider
MC Alex Waithe of Kaiso Rising CHRY105.5
St. Thomas the Apostle Hall
14 Highgate Drive, Markham
ONLY $25 ($30 @ the door)
Come out Friday November 25th and wish Barbados and Barbadians happy 45th Independence.
Come out and celebrate, party and raise some money for worthwhile charities in Barbados and Canada.
1. Ann Hill School (Barbados)
2. Crystal Emmanuel (2011 Canadian Track and Field Champion - 100m and 200m) (http://www.insidetoronto.com/sports/article/1038564--track-star-to-represent-canada-at-world-championships).
Come and sample some delicious Bajan food complements of the House of Souse!
Come win some great door prizes.
Checkout the attached flyer for details and ticket info.
For tickets contact:
Susan G: 647.885.8358
Andrew: 647.273.8660
Kathyann: 416.838.8702
Mark: 416.992.5296
Email: barbadosambassadorsofcanada@gmail.com or bac2010@live.ca
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Barbados-Ambassadors-Canada/100000523635134
Twitter: @SpiritCaribbean
1. Friday Nov 25th - BAC Independence Celebration @ 14 Highgate Drive, Markham
2. Sat Nov 26th - Barbados Independence Celebration @ Thornhill Community Centre
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