Get ready to inspire our youth...
I N S P I R E 2011
At the historic
401 Bay St. ~ (Queen & Bay)
Join DreamFundHoldings.ca, SterlingDental.com and Harmony Movement at the 6th Annual AroniAwards Gala on Saturday on December 3rd, 2011. Be inspired as we celebrate the recipients of the AroniIMAGE Awards and the AroniAWARDS Education Bursaries. The AroniAwards Gala launched in 2006 is named after Aron Haile, and honours those individuals who have contributed positively to the community, and ‘inspire’ others to reach for the stars.
Join your 2011 Aroni host, comedian Jay Martin, and Canada’s premier entertainers in celebration of the 2011 AroniAwards recipients.
The 2011 AroniEducation Bursary will be presented to
Michael Monize, Nilson Almonte Noesi and Sabrina Idukpaye.
The 2011 AronIMAGE AWARDS will be presented to
Leo Barbe (Inspire), Andrew Forde (Youth & Entrepreneurship), Marcia Brown (Youth & Education), Donovan Dill (Youth & Sports), Haile Desta (Youth & Sports) & Sean Mauricette (Youth & Arts)
The INSPIRE Gala at the prestigious Arcadian Court, features an incredible evening of Live Entertainment, the AroniAwards Presentations, 3 Course Dinner, Silent Auction, and Cocktail Reception followed by the
The SWEET SOIREE Celebrity ~ Official Western Union & G98.7fm "Yellow Carpet" After Party to follow the AroniAwards (10pm - 2am)
Join your 2011 Aroni host, comedian Jay Martin, and Canada’s premier entertainers in celebration of the 2011 AroniAwards recipients. The INSPIRE Gala at the prestigious Arcadian Court, features an incredible evening of Live Entertainment, the AroniAwards Presentations, 3 Course Dinner, Silent Auction, and Cocktail Reception followed by the SWEET SOIREE Celebrity ~ Official Western Union & G98.7fm "Yellow Carpet" After Party to follow the AroniAwards (10pm - 2am)
The Aroni Awards Gala was created in honor of Aron Y. Haile as he was exemplary in creating opportunities for people in diverse backgrounds. Aron Y. Haile, an African Canadian who died in 2003, at the young age of 30, was an accomplished student, entrepreneur, software developer, event planner, theater arts enthusiast and adventurer. His willingness to mentor gave him an avenue to forge many meaningful relations while giving back to his community. Aron believed that you should help those with good character who are applying positive effort to further advance themselves forward despite the obstacles. In December, 2003 while on holidays from his role as a software developer at BMO, his short yet fulfilled life ended in a vehicular accident in Eritrea (East Africa.).
Event: INSPIRE 2011 ~ Aroni Awards Gala
Date: Saturday, December 3rd, 2011
Venue: Arcadian Court, 401 Bay St.
"Science Social" Reception: 5.30 p.m. – 6.45pm
Awards Dinner & Presentation: 6.45 pm -10 p.m.
After Show "Yellow Carpet" Sweet Soiree: 10.00 pm - 2 a.m
For more information: http://www.aroniawards.com
All Online ticket purchases will be at reception for pick up at the 2011 AroniAwards Gala.
Special dietary request should be made to info@aronawards.com
This is a Not for Profit Event. Tax reciepts are available
Aroni Awards c/o Harmony Education Foundation #871889168
GENERAL TICKETS $60 (Before Nov. 29th)
General Table Seating, Awards Presentations, 3 Course Dinner, Silent Auction, Cocktail Reception, and Sweet Soiree After Show party. ($25 Tax Receipt per Ticket)
VIP TICKETS $88 (Before Nov. 29th)
Front Row Table Seating, 2 Bottles of Wine At Table, Awards Presentations, 3 Course Dinner, Cocktail Reception, Silent Auction, and Sweet Soiree After Show party. ($50 Tax Receipt per Ticket)
GET YOUR TICKETS @ http://aroniawardswe.eventbrite.com/
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